We Help You Manage Bookings
For Clubs & Classes
Onside Live Packages

Choosing the right solution for you

Onside Live is not just software, it’s a wealth of experience too. We make things easy by providing advise and making recommendations on what works best and how to run a successful programme.

Our service makes sure everyone feels supported and part of a team too, all users of Onside Live are part of a network, helping each other by sharing ideas and good practice.

Simple pricing points to cater for different sizes of operation.


Perfect for small schools, non-profit businesses or charities.
Time Saving IconEntry Tablet IconIn and Out Icon

Perfect for small schools to relieve the pressure on office staff dealing with the administration of clubs. Simple timetables and great registers.

£99 pm


Ideal for larger operations to help manage an evolving after school club programme.
Money Cog IconCalendar Green Tick IconChildcare Voucher Icon

It makes things like dealing with payments, registers, multiple clubs and childcare vouchers simple and significantly reduces the amount of admin time needed to keep on top of things.

£249 pm


The perfect solution for any fully functioning wraparound business.
Time Saving IconTimetable on Computer IconIncrease Income Icon

Onside Live can help generate significant income by making things more efficient and more profitable.

Using our proven model schools have created a sustainable revenue stream, our price is easily offset against the ability to generate profit. Accessing all features and areas of Onside Live makes the administration of things like multiple children, multiple clubs, ad-hoc bookings, edits, payments, invoicing, registers, childcare vouchers, subscriptions etc. a breeze. The system does so much that it hardly requires admin staff at all allowing providers to focus on the things that matter, the delivery of fun engaging sessions.

£399 pm


Perfect for larger schools or organisations.
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The best choice for Multi-Academy Trusts, Federations, Franchises, or similar, who want to ensure the benefits of Onside Live can be spread across multiple sites.

Combining the full contingent of features, training and services from all the other solutions for large scale operations.

Individually priced to your requirements
Get In Touch
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To lean more about what Onside Live can do for you and your business, contact us today
01926 496 406